Friday, December 18, 2009

Changes coming...

We have to make some changes-starting in January:
1. DVD & Videos will now be loaned for 7 days - no renewals
2. Reserves on new DVD's will not be allowed.
3. Magazines will now be loaned for 3 weeks - 1 renewal
Hopefully these changes will allow a quicker turn-around of our video materials and allow more patrons to access them. If you can return your materials before the 7 day loan period is over that would be helpful. As always, your input and comments are welcome.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Coupons & such

We have a coupon exchange that is very popular. Take some, bring some is the policy.
We also have an ongoing jigsaw puzzle out, so puzzle fans should take a minute to put a piece in, or two!
We have some exciting programs planned for after the holidays so keep an eye on our calendar, and Oh!
Merry Christmas!