Tuesday, February 23, 2010

On just one day

Last Thursday, Feb. 18, our library participated in a statewide program, Snapshot Day, to document and promote the services libraries provide every day. So we counted, took pictures, and asked our patrons for comments on what the library means to them.

On just one day...

  • 384 people visited the library

  • 651 items where checked out

  • 437 people visited our website

  • 25 new cards were issued

  • 4 programs were held and 46 people attended them

  • 37 people used our computers

  • 31 people got help at the reference desk

201 people answered our survey and some of the comments included:
"The library is a bargin!"
"Our family can go and find out about anything. If the library doesn't have the answer, they know where to find it!"
"If it wasn't for the library, my parents couldn't afford to keep me in books."
"It is the backbone of our community."
"A place to collect my thoughts - a quiet time for myself & my daughters."
"Best resource in town"
"Because it's free!"
"It is the most important thing any town can offer its taxpayers"
"It provides amazing educational activities, books, programs, at no extra cost"
"In this community it is a social center, resource center, place where my children can find books, friends, and things to do. WE LOVE THIS PLACE"
"It (library) is a beautiful, vibrant , friendly and kid favorite place for my two boys. It is a wonderful resource for our family and it brings a tremendous amount of joy to us all!"

And I could go on, but you get the idea.
So what does all this mean to me? The silent majority speaks! Our library is a vibrant, vital part of Monroe. We (library staff) are doing a great job and our patrons appreciate it.
If you missed an opportunity to let us know how you feel, please speak up!

To see some more photos of our library patrons visit:http://www.flickr.com/photos/ctlibrariessnapshot2010/sets/72157623343970477/

Thank you to the Connecticut Library Association, the Connecticut State Library, and the Connecticut Library Consortium for coordinating this project. Visit the Snapshot website for more results at http://snapshotctlib.wordpress.com/

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Morningstar Trial

Morningstar Investment Research Center
The library has a free trial to this online database page until March 15. We are considering dumping our paper version of Morningstar in favor of this online version which offers much more than the paper subscription. Try it by going to the library database page at www.ewml.org/databases.htm
You can connect from home or at the library
Login and password information is in the Business and Finance section of our database page.
Call the reference desk at 203 452-2850 #6 if you have trouble connecting
Let me know what you think after you try it at mborchers@ewml.org
The online version offers data and analysis on over 11,000 international and domestic stocks, 24,000 mutual funds and over 800 exchange traded funds.