Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Two New Databases

Thanks to the generosity of the Edith Wheeler Trust we have two new databases!
BYKI (before you know it) is a powerful language-learning system designed specifically for use by the patrons of public libraries. BYKI takes the user through a series of simple steps to memorize words and phrases in a new language in the shortest possible time. Available for learning over 80 languages, patrons can access the system from inside the library or at home. BYKI has advanced pronunciation analysis to help users perfect their pronunciation skills and individual progress tracking and assessment tests. You can even download a free app to access BYKi on your mobile phone, IPad, or Ipod!

Reference USA is a business resource database for job seekers, job changers, small business owners and market researchers. It has a detailed listing of 10.5 million businesses with the ability to search by company name, type of business, geography, business size and more.

  • Search for jobs by job skills, location and industry

  • Find new business opportunities

  • Research executives & companies worldwide

  • Track down addresses and phone numbers

  • Find new articles for research

  • Locate out-of-town companies

  • Research a neighborhood before you buy a house

The Reference staff at the library can give you more information or show you how to use these two new databases and the many other databases the library offers. Access them from the library homepage at

Friday, July 9, 2010

Library Book Sale at Masuk

Don't miss the annual Friends of the Library Booksale at Masuk High School starting Saturday, July 10-14, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm daily. Admission is free, except for early birds on Sat. at 9:00 who pay $10 to be the first in the door.
Books are sorted into categories to make it easier for you to find your favorites. There must be over 100,000 books! The Masuk cafeteria is filled to capacity.
Monday & Tuesday sale prices are in effect.
Wednesday all books are free. Come early on Wednesday the sale ends at 1:00 pm.