Thursday, May 13, 2010

Teen Digital Photo Winners!

Congratulations to the winners in the EWML Teen Photo Contest! The winners and their photos are on the library teen webpage at: so take a look!

Special thanks go out to the contest judges who donated their time and talents. They are Pat Grabarz, Jon Aspinwall and Eph Tobin. Special thanks to Pat Grabarz who framed a copy of each photo as a gift for the winners.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

New benches for the library!

Kevin Hein has completed his Eagle Scout project of placing two 4 ft. hardwood benches in front of the library. These benches provide a pleasant place to wait for a ride, read a book, or chat with friends. They are a welcome addition to our library and I want to thank Kevin for his fine work in providing them. One of the benches is placed near the library front entrance and uses the front porch to provide cover from the rain, the other bench is closer to the parking lot and out in the sun to catch those nice warming rays on beautiful days, such as we are enjoying today. Thank you Kevin for seeing a need, researching your project, and carrying it through.