Monday, December 12, 2011

Ebooks? We Can Help!

EWML is now a member of the Overdrive Advantage program. What is that you say?

Overdrive is the service that our library shares with other Bibliomation libraries that provides ebooks and downloadable audio books. That means Monroe patrons are part of a larger pool of the 48 member libraies using this service. Free ebooks are very popular, and often there are waiting lists for new titles. The Advantage program allows EWML to purchase more copies of popular titles and add titles that can only be used by Monroe patrons. If you see this logo next to the title you are interested in, make sure you sign in as a Monroe library patron.

If you are not using Overdrive now is the time! Many people will receive new ereaders, IPods, IPads and other electronic devices this Christmas. Let our library reference librarians help you use them. Just give us a call or come in with your device and we will get you started. Don't forget, your Kindle is now compatible with Overdrive.

Friday, October 14, 2011

PrepMe is Back!

Thanks to the Friends of the Library, the SAT and ACT test preperation database, PrepMe is back! The library had to drop this popular database because of budget cuts but the Friends are using their funds to restore it.
PrepMe is a premium online SAT preparation course founded by graduates of top schools such as Caltech, the University of Chicago and Stanford. Their course will identify your strenghts and weaknesses and create a custom week-by-week schedule for you to help raise your scores.
You may access PrepMe by going to the library database webpage You need your library barcode number to access the site, and will then be asked to create your own ID and password to create a test program customized to you.
PrepMe is just one of the databases the libray offers. Please check us out!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What's new?

So many things have been happening in the library this summer. I am happy to welcome some new staff members: Lauren Balla is the new Children's Assistant replacing Maureen Pihonak who just retired; Michelle Turbak takes over for Joan Clark at the Reference Desk and Nicole Cignoli is replacing Karen Recine at Reference who also retired. You will see some new faces at Circulation if you come in on Sunday. Evelyn Platt and Barbara Pringle join our Sunday team. Sunday hours, 12:00 - 4:00 pm start on October 2.
As we start the Fall season I am excited about a raffle the Friends of the Library are holding starting on October 3 and running until November 14. Three quilts created by the Connecticut Piecemakers Quilt Guild are being raffled.Tickets are $1 and can be purchased in the library. The quilts will be on display near the Adult magazines. I hope you will support the library by purchasing a ticket. All proceeds will be used to purchase books for the library, and do we need the help! The library book budget was cut by $10,000 this year so buy those tickets! Thank you to the kind members of the Piecemakers Quilt Guild who made the quilts for us. They are really beautiful.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Update

We have finally settled down after migrating library records to our new system, BibliOak. If you are experiencing any problems please call our Reference Desk. We will be glad to help.
Bibliomation, the library ILS (integrated library system) provider is still busy migrating Bridgeport Public Library and the public schools into the system. When they are finished they will begin working on enhancements to the current operating system. If there is anything missing in the new system that you would like restored please let us know and we will put it on our "wish list". Please note that Monroe is one of over 50 libraries and 24 schools in the Bibliomation consortium so there are bound to be a lot of requests.
Summer Reading - on a very happy note - we have enrolled record numbers of our patrons in children's, teen, and adult summer reading. The library is busier than ever, and thanks to the Wheeler Trust, we are open on Saturday's during the summer. Enjoy your summer and "keep on reading"!

Monday, June 6, 2011

New catalog operational

Our new circulation and catalog system, BiblioOak, is operational. Access to your accounts, the online catalog, and all library functions are working. There may be a few problems to correct so I am asking for your patience. Please inform library staff if you need help.
When accessing your account online you will be asked to sign on using your library card number and a password. Your password is the last four digets of your phone number. You will then be asked to choose a new password. Be sure to follow the instructions to choose a secure password.
Thank you.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Still Offline

It's Wednesday morning and we had planned to be operational on our new catalog, BiblioOak, but unfortunately that has not happened. Moving the bibliographic records of over 50 libraries, statewide, has proven to be more difficult than anticipated.
We are still operating offline, which means our patrons can take materials out, but books and other items returned to us can not be entered into the system and then re-shelved until the new catalog is operational. At that time, we will upload all the transactions that have taken place since last Thursday, May 26. We then have to "check-in" the hundreds of items that have been piling up in our back offices.
This is a difficult time for all of us and I ask for your patience and understanding.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

New Catalog Update

We need more time, so the library compter systems will go offline on Thursday May 26 at 8 pm. Holds and renewals will not be available afer 8 pm Thursday and won't be available until Tuesday, May 31 at 10:00 am.

On Friday, May 27 the library will be operating offline. Please remember to bring your library card with you as we will be unable to lookup your information. New registrations, paying fines and other housekeeping items will have to wait until Tuesday, May 31.

To access your new library account, when you log in the first time - if the last four digits of your phone number do not work, try four zeros (0000). Email notification for holds, overdues, etc. may not work immediately. Please report any problems or incorrect fines to the library staff.

Thank you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Catalog System

Our library is getting a new circulation/catalog system

The library will be closed over the Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, May 28-30. On Friday, May 27 at 3 pm you will no longer be able to place holds or renew items online.

On Tuesday, May 31, the library's new system will be operational. The online catalog will look different, but you will still have access to your account, including any lists you have saved in our former online catalog. Items that were returned in our bookdrop over the weekend will be checked back in and will not incurr any incorrect fines.

To access your new online account , you will need to use your library card number as your user name. Your default password will be the last four digits of your phone number. You will be prompted to change your password the first time you log in.

The new catalog features a simple-to-use basic serach and a robust advanced search. Placing holds will no longer require entering your library card for each hold. Accessing the resources of the other libraries in our network has been streamlined, so the materials of over 50 other public libraries are a click away.
If you have your email address on file with the library, you will automatically get alerts when your items are about to be due. You will also get hold notices and overdue notices in your email.
Please be patient with library staff as we learn and navigate through this new system. Having your library card with you will help us serve you faster.
Thank you.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Big Thank You!

The library staff just hosted our annual Volunteer Appreciation Party. It's just one small way to say thank you to the many volunteers that help keep our library running. Without our volunteers, the library would not be able to offer as many services as we do now with their help. Our volunteers shelve books, process interlibrary loan books, help with publicity, process new books, update the collection, and help with programs. They do so much it is impossible to list everything! And let's not forget the Friends of the Library! Their efforts provide the funds for concerts, children's programs, books, and so much more!
The Monroe community is full of kind and generous people who work with almost no recognition. Our small party is just a token of our appreciation.
Margaret Borchers
Library Director

Friday, April 1, 2011

Want ebooks?

A very nice gentleman called me to complain that the library ebook service, Overdrive, did not contain titles representing a certain topic that he was interested in. I explained to him that our library is just starting to build a collection of ebooks and it would take some time to build the collection to a point where it adequately met the needs of the Monroe community. Not to be trite, but this does not happen overnight. The library print collection of over 80,000 books took many years to acquire.

My caller understood, and I offered to include some of his suggested titles in a future ebook order. To my surprise, the next day, he introduced himself at the library circulation desk and handed me a check for $100 for ebooks. "Let's make this the start of a campagin for Monroe residents to help the library get more ebooks", he said. So I am putting out the call for donations: Want ebooks, please donate!

The library's book budget for fiscal year 2011-2012 has been cut by $10,000 (15%). At a time when we should be leaping ahead with the new technologies we are instead forced to go backwards. Please help if you can. For more on the library ebook collection and how to access it from your home computer please come to the Monroe Technology Fair on Saturday, May 21. You are also welcome to inquire at the Reference Desk whenever the library is open.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Libraries Cut Once Again

Governor Malloy has made cuts in the CT State Library budget that will have a devastating effect on two of this state's most cost-effective methods of resource sharing. Connecticard is the program that allows a library card holder to borrow books from any library in the state. Connecticar is a system of vans that support the Connecticard program by moving the books between libraries. It allows patrons who may not be able to travel themselves to pick up an item to have it delivered to their hometown library. This service allows access to almost all of the books residing in the 169 municipalities in our state, including the academic libraries.

Last year, patrons of the Edith Wheeler Memorial Library borrowed 27,095 items from other libraries and conversely, 31, 531 items belonging to Monroe were loaned to non-residents. Connecticard provides a reimbursement payment to cover part of the cost of providing these materials. Over 20,000 of these items traveled through the Connecticar van system. On the state level, over 2 million items were transported between libraries.

Isn't this what our political leaders have been asking us to do, share resources? Our State Library has had this system in place for many years, and to lose it for less than the $1 million being saved in the budget is ridiculous. If the libraries in CT lose these two vital services it will isolate them from each other and force duplicate purchases. Connecticard and Connecticar allow libraries to share across town lines.

I ask the governor and his staff to take another look at the cuts in the State Library budget. If you believe these services are worthwhile I ask you to contact the governor and your local representatives and ask them to restore the cuts to the library budget.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cupcake Love

Decorate cupcakes for your valentine with us on Sunday, Feb. 13 from 1:00-3:00 pm. Everyone is invited, children are welcome with a parent's help. A $3.00 donation is requested to help with supplies. Each person can decorate four cupcakes. We provide a box for you to take them home. We have lots of candy hearts and special fixins for you to make some beautiful creations!

Costco is helping by donating some of the cupcakes, so let them know you appreciate the support they give to our library.

With all the snow, ice and related stress we are all experiencing; come to the library on Sunday, Feb. 13 and enjoy yourself!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Overdues & Snow

If your library items are due and it's snowing or the roads are bad, give us a call. We will renew them or make arrangements so you are not charged a fine. Can't get through on the phone? When you bring your overdue items back just mention to a staff member that they are late because of bad weather. You must tell the staff, or the fine will go on automatically.
We don't want you to put yourself in danger just to get your library items back on time.

On a happier note: If you are stuck in the house by bad weather you can access library databases and the library catalog on the internet. The libary homepage is
Find new databases here:
Morningstar - an all-inclusive database providing comprehensive data and analysis of over 35,000 investments including stocks, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. It's the one-stop tool for collecting information, getting reliable analysis, learning about investments, and creating a portfolio.
BYKI - is an online language-learning system available for over 70 languages. It offers simple steps to memorize words and phrases in a new language, including their meaning and proper pronunciation, in the shortest possible time. First create an account at the library, then you will be able to access BYKI Online from any computer with internet access.
Reference USA - An Internet-based service offering access to a database of millions of businesses and consumers. Students, job seekers and researchers can use this tool to create marketing plans, conduct analysis, raise funds, locate people and more.

If you need help or have questions, just call our Reference Desk at 203 452-2850 #6