The Library Board of the Edith Wheeler Memorial Library is
reaching out to the citizens of Monroe with the following message:
The Town budget will be developed over the next few months
and that means now is the time to let our First Selectman, the Town Council and
the Board of Finance know that you support adequate funding for the library. The library director has submitted a budget
with a modest increase that includes raises for part time employees who have
not had an increase for 7 years, in addition to an increase in the book and
materials budgets. The materials budget
covers programs, DVD’s, music, magazines and newspapers. Please email, call, or
write our elected officials and let them know you support these increases and
that you consider the library an important part of our community. Email addresses may be found on the library
website at or the Town website
Every year the library falls behind in its ability to bring
the latest informational technology to our citizens and to deliver an abundance
of books for young children just beginning their relationship with books. The library hours of operation have dropped
from a high of being open for 58 hours to 47 hours. The library operates on less than one penny
for every tax dollar collected and provides more than the recent
bestsellers. It is where help is given
to the patron seeking a new job, the student requiring more resources than his
school provides, a meeting place for teens to create their own safe space to
share interests outside of school, the first social interaction for a toddler,
and enriching cultural and informative programs.
It is time for our 12,000+ patrons who made over 130,000
visits to the library to voice their opinions; for the 10,000 patrons that
attended library programs to let their voices be heard! The library contributes
to the economic vitality of our Town by demonstrating to prospective residents
and businesses that Monroe is a desirable Town in which to live and do business
in. Support the library by writing
Submitted by the Library Board of Trustees of the Edith
Wheeler Memorial Library
Ehlers, Chairman
Alice Deak
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